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How A Hybrid Cloud Combines Different Advantages

In times of ever-increasing demands on the availability and performance of IT services, a combination of different possible solutions is becoming more and more common. The usual on-premises solution is often supplemented or expanded by cloud solutions. The mixed-use of private and public clouds is also becoming increasingly attractive. This form of deployment is also a hybrid cloud and creates various advantages. 

What Is A “Hybrid Cloud”?

A hybrid cloud is a mixed computing, storage, and service environment. This consists of a private cloud and a public cloud combined. Different clouds become a hybrid cloud when the separate domains are connected as seamlessly as possible. Interconnectivity is an essential prerequisite for the functioning of this cloud model.

One option for a hybrid cloud is to have the cloud environments managed by an external provider as a service. This management is possible within the framework offered by the various cloud structures. Therefore, it is essential to make a conscious decision as to which cloud solutions and providers are combined into an overall solution. Service providers can make a lot possible, but the effort required can vary depending on the keys and interfaces.

What Features Does A Hybrid Cloud Offer?

A hybrid cloud environment can offer many positive features to your business. As the company grows, it is essential to process and secure more significant amounts of data. These amounts of data can vary in size depending on the order situation and the services used. An unproblematic consolidation of old and new resources is essential for this and should be guaranteed in any case. Otherwise, an essential advantage of this solution – the combination of the best of all worlds – is lost. A hybrid cloud offers your space room for development and gives you competitive advantages in the best-case scenario.

In addition, your enterprise workloads should easily migrate between the different environments. This requires the integration of a  uniform management tool. With the help of automation, processes can also be better orchestrated. A high degree of automation also minimizes the susceptibility to errors in a hybrid environment and thus optimizes the resilience of your combined cloud solution.

Advantages Of A Hybrid Cloud

Agility As A Decisive Advantage

One of the core principles of digital businesses is adapting and changing course quickly. For this, agility is essential and of great importance. It can make sense to combine solutions from the public cloud, private cloud, and your on-premises environment to ensure this agility. In many cases, it is precisely this combination that enables decisive competitive advantages. It is not only crucial that storage capacities can be adjusted as needed. Instead, it is also about your company using innovative applications. For example, these applications come from Big Data or the Internet of Things. These are often only available in this form in the public clouds.

Combination Of Diverse Cloud Structures

In addition, the combination of the different forms of deployment offers further advantages. Public clouds, private clouds, and on-premises environments provide their benefits. Uniting these worlds creates synergy effects and ensures that the optimum of the possible is exploited. Depending on the required level of security, you can both meet data protection requirements and use the advantages of applications only available in public clouds for your business. This enables an individual solution for your company.

What You Need To Consider With Hybrid Cloud Systems

Because different environments are combined in a hybrid cloud, unique security challenges must be overcome. Data migration is just as important a topic as increased complexity. The more different environments are brought together, the more complex the system becomes. At the same time, a more extensive system also increases the attack surface. Interfaces always harbor a particular security risk and offer an attack surface that needs to be secured. One option is to hire a so-called Managed Service Provider (MSP) to manage the IT infrastructure.

Also Read: How Does A Private Cloud Work?

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