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Data Security: How To Safely Dispose Of It

Data Security: All companies store vital data on their computers, servers or phones. They are keeping this information secure when it is crucial to renewing or disposing of technology. How to safely delete files?

If a safe process of elimination is not carried out, there is the risk of someone recovering the information and misusing it. It is also necessary to remember that if a company incurs breaches during data deletion, it could face fines and damage to its corporate reputation that will be difficult to repair.

It is for this reason that, in the process of eliminating or replacing technological assets, as well as in the elimination of files, one of the most critical steps is the correct and safe destruction of the data, either through software solutions or by shredding the device and the disk—associated rigid.

Data Security: How To Delete Files In A Company?

Organizations spend very high amounts on protecting their data and implementing hardware and software defense mechanisms. But watching that data shouldn’t stop when computers are renewed, dismantled, or replaced. In addition, it is precisely at this stage of replacing or destroying technological assets that the organization’s data is most vulnerable. It is essential to know how to delete files securely.

Nowadays, data is one of the company’s most important assets, so it is essential to implement all the necessary measures to preserve its confidentiality and integrity. For this reason, security measures must go up to the time of disposal of technological devices, as it is necessary to ensure that the information contained in them cannot be recovered. In this case, the best option is the physical destruction of the device through manual destruction or by experts in certified information destruction.

But correct data erasure is not just a security issue. There are already rules that establish the procedures to be followed for the definitive elimination of digital data on technological devices. 

Therefore, it is essential to note that working with experts to dispose of these assets helps to minimize the risk associated with data breaches.

And How Do I Get Rid Of Technological Gadgets Too?

When technology is constantly evolving, companies are forced to frequently renew their technological assets to be always up to date and remain competitive. Therefore, in addition to data elimination processes, it is also widespread for organizations to get rid of the technological devices that contain this data to renew them with new generation technologies.

In this case, we must consider the regulations on electronic waste, as this has become a sustainability problem and continues to grow. Therefore, there is a need to reuse technological assets so that all materials from which they are made (plastic, metallic or electrical) can be reused to produce other devices.

And to ensure that it is done correctly, standards have already been approved, at the European level, related to electronic waste that guarantees its safe renewal.

Safe Technological Recycling

In addition to safely deleting files, electronic recycling requires excellent logistics for collecting, transporting, classifying or storing technological waste. Therefore, it is increasingly common for companies to have a supplier responsible for the entire process of renewing technological devices.

In this sense, professionals in the sector present programs that, being responsible for the elimination of technological assets, bring four significant benefits:

  • Control of logistics costs
  • Asset disposal with complete data security
  • Compliance with environmental and corporate laws
  • Maximum value recovery

In short, when it comes to renewing a company’s technology and safely tackling the file deletion process, there are two significant challenges:

  • Renew assets sustainably and responsibly;
  • Make sure, at all times, that the data is correctly erased and not lost at any stage of the process.

Due to this need to guarantee the security of company information and the emergence of new regulations about electronic waste safety and recycling processes, more companies choose suppliers that offer them specialized assistance in waste management—technology and data erasure.

Also Read: The Pillars Of Information Security In Companies

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